My dog has been vomiting for the last two days. He seems to be having trouble eating and drinking. His stomach is making loud noises and he looks uncomfortable.
I am worried about him because he doesn’t eat much and he drinks water only. I am also concerned about his health. I want to know if there is anything I can do to help him?
Why Is My Dog’s Stomach Making Noises?
Your dog’s stomach may be making noises due to a variety of reasons, most commonly related to the digestive process. These sounds, known as borborygmi, are usually the result of gas and fluid moving through the intestines, which is a normal part of digestion.
However, if the noises are accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite, it could indicate an upset stomach or gastrointestinal issue that may require veterinary attention.
Additionally, your dog may also be making these noises when they are hungry or have eaten too quickly, leading to gas buildup. Regular feeding schedules and appropriate portion sizes can help mitigate these sounds.

When it comes to your dog’s stomach making noises what’s normal?
Dog stomach noises are called borborygmi. The word borborygmi comes from “borborygmus” which is the word for “rumbling” in Greek. The intestines are the tubes that carry food through your dog’s body. Sometimes gas makes the intestines move. When gas moves through the intestines, it makes them move in a way that makes a noise.
That is what you hear when your dog’s stomach is making noises. It is normal for gas to be in your dog’s intestines. It is normal for the intestines to move around. When gas moves through the intestines, it makes them move in a way that makes a noise. That is what you hear when your dog’s
The sounds your dog’s stomach makes should be quiet. Try the following experiment: place your ear against your dog’s stomach. You should hear periods of silence interspersed with soft gurgles. This is what normal sounds like.
Some dogs, however, experience episodes of abnormally loud intestinal gurgling. During these episodes, the gurgling might be audible from across the room. These sounds are not exactly normal, but they don’t always represent a crisis. Sometimes they indicate something is wrong in the intestinal tract. In other instances, they are caused by nothing more serious than hunger.
Gastric noises are often due to gas. It’s common for dogs to burp or pass gas on occasion, but if your dog is experiencing excessive flatulence, you may want to take it into the vet.
Is your dog’s stomach making noises because he’s hungry?
One of the most common causes of an animal’s stomach making noises is that it’s hungry. A hungry pet sounds like a grumbling tummy. And it can be embarrassing, to say the least! The intestines don’t contain significant quantities of ingesta (food) when they’re feeling hungry, so they typically have a higher ratio of gas to solids.
Because there isn’t enough space in the pet’s tummy for its food yet – only gas – the intestines will start to make some noise as they anticipate being fed soon.
How Loud Is Loud?
The intestines are responsible for recycling food residue. When food is broken down, it sheds its soluble fiber into the liquid in the intestines and gas is produced. This gas attracts water into the colon and when it reaches high levels it is released through the **** in the form of flatulence .
While excess gas in your intestines causes your body to make more noise (gas moving through your intestinal tract), flatulence gain water weight, making them tight and uncomfortable (where they eventually break free). When it starts sounding from a little far, it is worrying.
Other reasons for your dog’s stomach making noises
Other causes of a dog’s stomach making noises other than eating include parasites, inflammatory bowel disease , a foreign body in the stomach, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis , toxicities from prescription medications, metabolic problems such as liver or kidney disease, glands disorders and cancer.
The most important thing in case your dog starts making loud rumbling noises in his stomach is to figure out what the root cause of this affliction is.

What to do about your dog’s stomach making noises
Whether you should be worried about your dog’s stomach noises depends on the circumstances. If it is the morning, and they do not appear to be feeling unwell but have not yet been fed, perhaps offer breakfast? If your dog’s stomach is making noise in combination with symptoms such as mild lethargy or slightly poor appetite, a problem could be brewing.
To prevent diarrhea or vomiting, it’s best to avoid dairy products, spicy or fried foods, and to offer an easily digestible diet. A good option would be boiled boneless skinless chicken breast with steamed white rice.
If your dog is producing loud intestinal noises and he’s acting sick, you should go see the vet right away. Symptoms such as significant lethargy, severely reduced appetite or thirst (or any other abnormal behavior), diarrhea and vomiting should make you an anxious owner looking for help.
If you suspect your dog needs veterinary care, the safest option is always to get him seen. It’s better to be safe than sorry when deciding whether or not to see a vet.
What can you do if you think your dog’s stomach is mildly upset?
If you feel like your dog’s stomach is upset, there are often things that pet parents can do to help. If your pup has diarrhea without any blood, you could try giving them a bland diet.
“This includes boiled chicken and rice with no additives,” she says. “The diarrhea should improve over 24 to 48 hours. If it worsens, is accompanied by vomiting or you note blood in the stool, it’s likely time to see your veterinarian.”
If your dog vomits once or twice because of a stomach upset, try withholding food for 12 hours and then introducing a small meal of bland diet (as described above). If vomiting continues after that or if your pet vomits many times through this period, call your veterinarian right away.”
Common Causes of Dog Stomach Noises
The most common cause of abdominal sounds is gas passing through the digestive tract. This happens when food passes into the small intestine where bacteria break down some of its nutrients before being absorbed by the body. The resulting waste products then pass out to the large bowel via the rectum. If there isn’t enough room in this area for all the waste material, gases will build up inside the colon until they push their way out through the anus. These sounds are also called flatulence.
Another possible source of these noises is parasites. Some types of worms live within the intestines and may produce gases while moving around. Other causes include inflammation from bacterial infections, foreign objects lodged in the gastrointestinal system, tumors, ulcers, hernias, diverticulitis, pancreatic disease, kidney stones, gallstones, liver problems, spasms, cancerous growths, and more.
More Serious Causes of Dog Stomach Noises
If your dog makes any kind of sound during this time period — especially if he seems uncomfortable — contact your vet immediately. Some types of abdominal pain require immediate veterinary attention, so don’t wait until later to see how your pooch feels. The following conditions should never go untreated:
- Abdominal distention : This condition occurs when there isn’t enough room inside the abdomen for all the contents. Your dog might have trouble breathing due to pressure on his lungs caused by fluid buildup. He’ll need medical treatment to relieve the problem.
- Vomiting blood : Blood loss can occur when something goes wrong with one of the organs responsible for digestion. In severe cases, bleeding can lead to shock and death.
- Severely decreased appetite : A decrease in appetite means less energy available to digest food. You shouldn’t feed your dog anything at first; instead, let him eat only what he wants. Once he starts eating again, gradually increase the amount of solid and healthy foods he eats.
- • Diarrhea : When your dog produces loose stools several times per day, it usually indicates dehydration. Dehydration leads to low levels of sodium and potassium in the bloodstream which affects muscle contractions. As a result, muscles become weak and unable to move properly.