The best way to show a new puppy love and affection is by playing with the pup. One of the most effective ways to calm down a puppy is through socializing. You can play with your new pup by engaging in games like tug-of-war, fetch, hide-and-seek or go on daily walks together. It’s also important that you teach your dog how to behave when in company – for example, not jumping up at strange people or barking aggressively at other animals.
Other people’s reactions will influence how shy or friendly your puppy becomes as they grow older so it’s crucial you’re setting good examples from day one.

A problem puppy owners have is not knowing how to spot over-excitement in their pups. When your puppy is overjoyed after running around playing, she is probably not as nervous as you would think. Instead of treating your dog like a baby you should simply be careful how you handle her.
The best way to calm down a puppy who is overly excited or excited for no reason at all is to try and get her to settle down. It’s possible that she will hear another dog barking in the distance and react accordingly, but it’s also quite likely that your pup will just be excited about something else.
Socializing your puppy on walks can help keep her from being too scared of other dogs or other people. Learn how to play with your dog, teach them activities like hand shake and roll overs and treat them with the best food like you treat yourself.
Knowing When Your Puppy is Getting Too Excited is important since excited dogs can overheat if they aren’t given a chance to relax. Food can vary according to breed like Great dane might have a different suitable food then yorkies and french bulldog.
A puppy barking at anything can be unsettling – especially for the owner.
5 Tips for Calming a Puppy Down Include
- Making sure your dog has everything she needs and is ready to go on walk before you take her out. This can include putting on her leash and harness or just gathering up her treats, toys and poo bags.
- Once you are outside, give your dog a lot of praise so she knows this is the right thing to do. Your dog will be less stressed out when she feels like she’s getting enough attention from you and is doing what you want her to do well.
- Once you arrive at your destination, take a few steps back and only start walking when your dog is calmly looking at you. It might be a good idea to name the place so the dog knows where she is going.
- Give your dog a chance to sniff around.
- If she is outside, it should be fairly easy for her to get used to other dogs in the same area as she is used to being able to see them and bark at them from time to time when they are close. If not, try taking her further away from the other dogs or people before you try taking her out in public for the first time.

By far the best way to calm down a puppy is by training her. Puppies who are taught how to act always become more calm for other people and dogs. One of the best ways you can teach your puppy how to be calm around unfamiliar situations is through positive reinforcement. This means that whenever your pup does something good, like sit or come, give her praise.
Let her know that she’s something special and important through giving her what she wants in order for her to learn what is expected of her. This way, your pooch will become more confident and less fearful when she’s in company with other dogs or humans.
Dos and Don’ts to Help Calm Your Puppy
Here are a few tips to help you and your puppy stay calm at home.
1) Let Your Puppy Get the Amount of Exercise She Needs
A puppy’s exercise level should be directly related to how often you take her out and how long she is out for. A puppy that is over-exercised may become overly excitable when she gets home. It is important that your dog has time to rest, play or nap when she is out.
2) Give your Puppy Time Alone
Because puppies need lots of exercise, it is best to leave her in the crate when you work around the house or when you are not going on walks with her.
3) Don’t Let Your Puppy Run Around the House Unattended
An excitable puppy can be hard to control when she is running around the house. If you can, put her in a small area with a bed that won’t be destroyed while you are not watching.
4) Play with your Puppy
Puppies need attention and one of the best ways to help calm them down is by playing with them. You can play fetch in the house or go out for a walk together.
5) Let Your Puppy Choose Her Own Terrain
When bringing your dog into your home for the first time, let her choose where she wants to sleep.
Puppies are most hyper during their first year.

Here is a list of common symptoms of hyperactivity in a young puppy and what you can do about it:
1) Listless, or Even Sometimes Wobbling, when He Is Exercising. A puppy who is taking too much exercise will often look like he is walking on the edge of a cloud. This could be because he feels tired or wants to take a rest. Getting him to rest will help calm him down.
2) Attention Seeking Chewing and Biting. A puppy who exhibits this behavior is showing that she needs extra attention from you, through play or treats. It is important to work with your puppy on training instead of punishing her for this behavior. Finding the right words to tell her when she has done something wrong will help teach her the consequences of these actions.
3) Excessive Panting and Sweating. This could be because your puppy is overheated or has a heatstroke. Depending on the situation, you can take him outside or give him water until he cools off.
4) Jumping Up and Down, Barking, and Biting/Scratching themselves. This behavior is a sign of excitement or the puppy not having enough exercise. It might be that your pup needs more time in his crate or that he needs something else to chew on during his day such as a rubber toy or leather collar with treats inside it.
5) Shivering, or Has a Cold Nose. Your puppy is experiencing an early-onset heatstroke. This is an extremely serious condition that you need to get your vet to treat immediately.
6) Frequent Ears and Tail Wagging. A puppy who has a lot of energy might be pulling on his ears or tail because it feels good to him. Working on teaching him how to relax will help relieve this behavior.
7) Jumping Up on You or other Dogs. This is usually a sign of bad manners, but can also be connected with your dog not getting enough exercise during the day.
How to calm down a puppy at night
A lot of people are interested in adopting a new dog, but have some misgivings about the commitment involved. You might be thinking that you know what it takes to care for a puppy, but you don’t want to take on the responsibility of getting into too much trouble when they get older. One easy way to get rid of anxiety is with a good night’s sleep!
Puppies need plenty of sleep so they can perform at their best during the day. With days filled out by play and exercise in an enriched and safe environment, your pup will always be happy and motivated enough to come back home for more.
How to calm down a puppy in a crate
A dog in a crate can be sometimes be a stressful experience for both the puppy and owner. Crate training is an important part of raising any dog, but teaching your pup to enjoy being crated can help make this process easier.
This blog post will teach you how to calm down a puppy in a crate with some simple solutions from the experts.
1. Allow Your Dog to Enjoy Being in the Crate
One of the most important things you can do to calm down a puppy in a crate is make sure he or she enjoys being in the crate. This will help make crate training easier and less stressful for both you and your pup. Make sure your dog is familiar with the crate, and spends time there often before beginning training.
Allow time for him to investigate his new space, take advantage of this time to feed him treats or give him toys. This will help your dog feel comfortable and safe while in this new space.
Make sure that when your dog is crated for extended periods of time it is also somewhere that he feels comfortable, such as his own bed or couch. If your dog is somewhere unfamiliar, such as a grooming or veterinary office, it may be uncomfortable for him. Make sure to give your pup a safe and comfortable place to stay while he is crated!
2. Use the Right Crate
Another way you can calm down a puppy in a crate is by making sure you are using the right crate. According to the experts over at Petco, choosing the right crate is crucial. Make sure the crate you choose is big enough for your pup!
You do not want your dog to feel shut in or confined during these training sessions. Your pup should have enough room so that he can move around comfortably and lay down if needed.
How to calm a puppy down from biting
Puppies can be excitable and it is often difficult for them to understand the boundaries we set. As such, it can be difficult for them to behave appropriately. When playing with a puppy, there are several things that you can do that will help to calm your pup down
Play with your puppy in their favorite spot in the house. This may mean either a room full of chewed up toys or outside on an area where they have rolled around for hours (or both). Mentioned earlier, puppies don’t have the mental capacity yet not only to know what is safe from what isn’t but also as to why they need to behave themselves at all times.
This often means that your puppy will want to continue to play when they are unable to get their favorite toy, but this will help to keep them from becoming too excited so that you can take the teddy back and give it a good chew.