How to teach a dog to roll over?

Dogs love to roll over. Whether they are offering a belly rub, asking for a tummy scratch, or maybe just in the mood for some extra attention, dogs will always find time to roll over. But what if you wanted your dog to learn something new? What if you wanted your pup to have self-control, focus, and discipline? How could you teach them something more complex than rolling over? Teaching your dog how to roll over is actually very easy! Here are our top 5 tips:

let’s get rolling before we begin your dog has to know how to lay down, first grab their favorite treat or toy seconds have your dog lay down third get his attention and bring the treat to his shoulder then should make him lay down on his side when this happens reward and praise Him

Here are some of my fav dog toys:

5 steps to make your dog roll over:

  1. Start off by being consistent about it. Use positive reinforcement (rewards) every time your dog rolls over on cue. Praise your dog a bit, too; this will help to instill a deep sense of self-confidence in the pup. NOTHING is more boring than a dog that only rolls over for attention and praise!
  2. Keep practicing. You should be able for your dog to roll over with absolutely no command or attention from you. It should be something that happens naturally to them through training. This will come with time (just like riding a bike).
  3. Practice with distractions. If distractions such as other dogs, cats, squirrels, etc., are about every day, it’s important that you practice your rollover command without those distractions. This can be quite tricky with dogs who are naturally curious!
  4. Have fun with it. If you’re having a bit of a laugh, then your dog will too. It’s still teaching your dog to do the trick or something, but when the fun and games are good, they’ll remember it all the more. It will be something that they look forward to doing! My 8yr old Staffordshire Bull Terrier refuses to roll over unless I start throwing his tennis ball around in play. He LOVES it! LOL
  5. Be patient! The time it takes for a dog to learn new things varies from one dog to another so don’t get frustrated if your pup takes a while to learn.

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