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Best Dog Brush For Short Hair

A canine is not only a four-legged animal with two bright eyes & wagging tail in fact, he is surely…
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When to Put a Dog Down with Cushing’s disease

Anytime pet parents hear a veterinarian or other canine professional using the words hyperadrenocorticism or hypercortisolism, do not be scared…
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Which Breed of Dog Does the US Secret Service Exclusively Use?

The purpose of the US secret service is to provide security to White House, the highest office & residence of…
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Pet parents might have faced those awkward situations where their beloved dogs take forever to relieve themselves when outside. Undoubtedly,…
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What is the Least Effective Method to Retrieve a Dog that has got Off Leash?

So, which method is considered as the least effective method of retrieving a canine that has got off-leash?  Well, always…
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How Much Does it Cost to Neuter a Dog

It is a known fact that owning a canine always comes with a huge responsibility. Pet parents want to make…

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At Dogtur, we are passionate about all things dogs. Our mission is to provide dog lovers with reliable, helpful, and up-to-date information about caring for their furry friends. 

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